JD.com – one of the biggest online retailers in China

Asiaassist Jd.com E Commerce Agency China

E-commerce platform JingDong – JD.com

Jing Dong, also known as JD, is one of the biggest online direct retailer in China. As you might imagine, the sheer amount of orders this E-commerce platform handles requires an extensive fulfilment infrastructure. And indeed, the fulfilment infrastructure of JD.com is the biggest in China. Jing Dong operates 7 fulfilment centers, and has 123 warehouses in cities throughout China. As if that is not impressive enough, JD has 3,210 delivery places to pick up, or deliver packages, spread over 1,862 districts all over China. All these locations are staffed by JD employees! Jing Dong can provide same-day delivery in 134 regions of the country. Another 866 counties can rely on next-day delivery. We all know it’s competitor Tmall : which is the largest B2C platform of Alibaba and also leading retailer by volume. However JD.com is the number one retailer in Asia when its comes to direct sales


JD.com has opened up it’s infrastructure to third parties, and is offering a B2C platform like Tmall and Tmall global. The platform, called JD.c0m, is growing rapidly, facilitated by the financial resources offered by investor Tencent, the guys behind China’s biggest chat application WeChat.

JD also opened their cross border platform in 2015 called JD Worldwide. The platform has been riding the cross-border e-commerce wave towards growth, offering foreign companies access to the Chinese market. No longer do foreign merchants need to be settled in China, or even hold a bank account. JD Worldwide offers all they need to be able to sell to Chinese consumers. Even marketing support is being offered.

How JD.com operates

JD or JD Global is quite similar as Tmall and Tmall Global, offering foreign and local merchants or brands an online store on the platform. However, it is a bit cheaper than Tmall and Tmall Global to enter. The annual fee for the platform is around $ 1,000 (with a consumer deposit of $ 10,000-$15,000). JD.com also charges a commission. The height depends on the product category, and ranges between 2%-10%.

JD.com e-commerce agency

To work with JD.com, an e-commerce Agency in China is needed. AsiaAssist is the official JD partner, which has offices in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and in Shanghai, China. If you want to enter the Chinese market, don’t hesitate to call us. We’ll be happy to do market research and set up your store(s), marketing channels, customer service, logistics and run the everyday operations for your brand in China.

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